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In the New Year’s Variety Show, Koji Seto becomes the ‘weakest king in BABA Nuki’! Providing fresh surprises and entertainment.

Actor Kosuke Seto appeared in Fuji TV’s New Year’s special variety show, Thu7◎×Department in the New Year’s ◎×Department segment, where he provided the audience with a fresh surprise.

In this show, Seto, who was designated as the ‘Weakest King of BABA-Nuki’, shined. BABA-Nuki is generally a card game where the player who ends up with the BABA card (usually referring to the Joker) loses. However, in this show, a unique rule was introduced to decide the Weakest King.

Seto delivered results beyond expectation, receiving passionate cheers from the viewers. As indicated in the title, Seto won the title of ‘Weakest King’, which means he was the weakest player for being left with the BABA card till the end in the BABA-Nuki game.

Seto’s smile and the surprise-filled, laughter-inducing atmosphere he created was well-received by the viewers, making ‘New Year’s ◎×Department’ a hot topic. Given Seto’s established career in numerous dramas and movies, he demonstrated his unique presence in variety shows as well, captivating the viewers.

To summarize, Kosuke Seto’s performance not only entertained viewers but also provided a fresh topic early in the year, enhancing viewers’ interest and enjoyment. With the start of the new year, one cannot take their eyes off of Seto’s activities.


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