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Announcement: Demo Distribution Begins! Atlas and Vanillaware’s New Simulation RPG, ‘Unicorn Overlord’

The demo version of the simulation RPG Unicorn Overlord by Atlus and Vanillaware, which was announced in the Nintendo’s new information program Nintendo Direct Software Maker Lineup 2024.2.21, has started. This game will be released on March 8, 2024, as a software for PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Nintendo Switch.

The demo version allows you to bring your save data over to the full game. This means you can continue to enjoy the progress you made in the demo version after the official release of the game.

Now, let’s look specifically at the appeal and way to enjoy Unicorn Overlord.

1. Difficulty setting: You can choose the difficulty according to your playing skill and familiarity with RPGs. If you are playing RPGs for the first time, or want to enjoy the story slowly, we recommend playing on a lower difficulty. For those seeking more challenging gameplay, try playing on a harder difficulty.

2. Troop organization: There are a wide variety of units in the game. Each unit has its unique abilities and roles, and the proper organization can swing the tide of battle. Consider the balance of your troop formation and make the most of each unit’s characteristics.

3. Battle Tips: Battles proceed in turns. Predicting the movements of enemy units and carefully considering the placement and actions of your own units is key to victory. Furthermore, utilizing your unit’s abilities and taking advantage of terrain and conditions is crucial in gaining an advantage in the battle.

First, download the demo version and experience the world of Unicorn Overlord.


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