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The release is planned for summer of 2024.

Square Enix releases the long-awaited ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake’ for PS5, however, some issues reported on the first day.

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, Square Enix released the highly anticipated new game, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, for the latest gaming console, PlayStation 5 (PS5). This new work is attracting attention as a remake of the popular action RPG Final Fantasy 7.

This game depicts a fierce story of a battle over the stars, and a trailer with live footage has also been released. For the series’ fans, the skillful reproduction from a new perspective will likely add depth and expansion.

However, on the first day of release, Square Enix announced that there was some discrepancy in the two-disc set of the game package. Efforts are currently being made to actively address this issue of product misrepresentation.

In addition, the series’ familiar notable items will also be featured in this work. You will be able to enjoy a new story while feeling the connection with the previous works.

The information site,, also provides detailed reviews and product information about this work. Understanding the features of the new work in detail and using this as a reference can certainly enhance your enjoyment.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, equipped with high-end graphics and innovative gameplay, is set to stir up many discussions in the gaming community from now on.


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