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Atlas and Vanillaware release a new simulation RPG, ‘Unicorn Overlord,’ available on all platforms.

Today, on March 8, 2024, Atlus and Vanillaware announced the release of their new simulation RPG Unicorn Overlord. This game has launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

In celebration of this, a new Launch Trailer has also been released. This visually appealing trailer illustrates the multifaceted charm of Unicorn Overlord, including the game’s worldview, gameplay, and part of its story.

Moreover, a Strategy Addition Recipe has been introduced that further enhances the enjoyment of the new game. It provides examples of strategy settings, which will come in handy as players craft their free strategies within the game.

Unicorn Overlord is a brand-new simulation RPG co-produced by Atlus and Vanillaware. Its worldview, story, and gameplay have evolved more than ever, drawing players into a deeper adventure.

The game has started selling from today, so if you’re interested, please pick it up and look into it.


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