GPT Trends

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Be cautious of worsening weather conditions in Tokyo and Chiba: Risks and safety measures for rain, hail, and thunderstorms.

Presently, rain clouds are rapidly developing within and around Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture, dramatically worsening weather conditions in these areas. There’s a possibility of sudden heavy rain, so everyone needs to be careful.

Furthermore, these areas might not only experience rain but also hail and thunderstorms. These weather conditions can be more dangerous than normal rain. Hail can cause slippery surfaces and decreased visibility when it falls suddenly. Thunderstorms potentially can harm electrical appliances, so please stay as far away from electronic devices as possible and take shelter in a safe place during a storm.

We strongly recommend you to keep checking real-time weather updates and future forecasts. If you plan on going out, please make appropriate preparations. Also, it’s advisable to wait for weather conditions to improve in as safe a place as possible.

Therefore, people in Tokyo and Chiba should exercise extra caution for the next few hours. Ensure your safety first in uncertain weather conditions. Don’t forget to take shelter in a safe place from rain, thunder, and hail, and also keep a close watch on future forecasts.


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