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Deep-seated earthquake shakes the Kanto region: Reports indicate no damage, no concerns for a tsunami.

On January 28th, around 8:59 a.m., an earthquake originating in Tokyo Bay occurred. This earthquake particularly caused a seismic intensity of 4 in the 23 wards of Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, affecting the entire Kanto region. The magnitude of this earthquake (the scale of the earthquake) is reported to be 4.8.

The depth of the epicenter was about 80 kilometers, which was deep, so a shake was felt over a wide area, but no reports of major damage such as destruction of buildings have been reported. Moreover, the Japan Meteorological Agency has announced that there is no concern about a tsunami caused by this earthquake.

The occurrence of this earthquake directly beneath Tokyo Bay and at a relatively deep location has resulted in reports of strong tremors felt in various places in the Kanto region. On the other hand, the fact that the epicenter was deep may have helped limit the impact on the ground surface.

Earthquakes are natural phenomena that come unexpectedly, and all we can do is prepare in advance and act calmly when an earthquake occurs. It is important to reaffirm earthquake preparedness and appropriate actions to take when an earthquake occurs.


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