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Regarding the revision of disaster prevention basic plan and measures against the Nankai Trough Megaquake in Japan

The Nankai Trough Earthquake, considered as one of the most severe disasters in Japan, has the potential to cause extensive and large-scale damage. The government has put forth a basic disaster prevention plan for the Nankai Trough Earthquake, setting goals such as reducing the number of fatalities by 80%.

However, the planned revision of this strategy, originally scheduled for this spring, is now being considered for postponement. The specific reasons for this have not been made clear, and it appears that with this, the country’s measures against this devastating earthquake will be pending review.

Meanwhile, a meeting to consider medical preparedness in the event of an earthquake was held. This is to ensure no areas lack medical services when an earthquake occurs, with lessons learned from the Noto Peninsula earthquake previously discussed.

The Meteorological Agency is also hosting a meeting to assess the possibility of a major earthquake in the Nankai Trough. According to past observations, there are no significant changes to the stuck state of the plate, but the potential for an earthquake cannot be denied.

Vigilance and measures against the Nankai Trough earthquake should continue. Above all, the most important thing in the event of an earthquake is for every citizen to have a regular awareness of disaster prevention and to take concrete actions to protect oneself and the people around them.


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