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Large fire breaks out in Osaka city, nine single-story wooden houses are ablaze, an elderly woman in her 80s is injured.

On the night of November 11, a horrifying fire broke out in a densely populated residential area of Higashi-Nakahama, Joto Ward, Osaka City. Nine row houses, all made of wood and single-story, were engulfed in flames, and a large number of fire trucks rushed to the strikingly intense fire scene.

The fire is reported to have started around 5:45 pm. The city’s fire department was promptly alerted by an emergency call from a local resident saying, There’s a fire. The row houses are burning. A total of 38 fire engines were dispatched, and dedicated firefighting efforts began around 6 pm.

The old wooden row houses were swallowed by flames in an instant, and because four nearby wooden houses also caught fire at the same time, the firefighting operation was extremely challenging. The scope of the fire was immense, and the flames and smoke that illuminated the night sky filled the local residents with great fear.

Tragically, this fire resulted in an elderly woman in her 80s being injured. However, it is fortunate that there has been no threat to her life, as reported. Detailed reports about her specific injuries are not currently available, but she was promptly given first aid, and it has been reported that her life is not in danger.

The cause of this fire, and what triggered it, has yet to be clarified. The city’s fire department is carefully investigating the circumstances at the scene. They are developing preventive measures to ensure that the same type of fire does not occur again, while also seeking the cause of the fire.

The event has left the city’s residents profoundly shocked, and anticipation lies in the results of the forthcoming investigation.


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