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U.S. conducts airstrikes on Iran-related targets in response to soldier deaths in Jordan.

It has been reported that the US military has launched airstrikes against targets in Iraq and Syria associated with armed groups supported by Iran, in retaliation for a drone attack in Jordan, the Middle East, that resulted in the death of three soldiers.

The attack on the U.S. military base in Jordan took place last month, killing three U.S. soldiers. In response to this, the U.S. carried out attacks on more than 85 Iran-related targets in Syria and Iran on the 2nd as a reprisal.

The targets of the attack reportedly included more than 85 targets, including missile and drone storage depots of the militia groups. In addition, the Biden administration had announced the implementation of retaliatory measures in response to the death of soldiers at the U.S. military base.

Furthermore, the action has been taken against forces attacking U.S. troops stationed in Syria and Iraq in retaliation for bombing a weapons storage facility of the Iran Revolutionary Guard in Syria last November.

This recent action is seen as a retaliatory measure by the United States, but considering the complex situation in the region, continued understanding and analysis of the detailed situation are required.


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