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Prime Minister Kishida’s First Attendance: Deliberation on the LDP Faction’s Slush Fund Issue by the Political Ethics Review Committee

The Political Ethics Review Board, often abbreviated as Seiron-shin, is a system set up to examine the political responsibilities of parliamentarians. It was established in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors in 1985, triggered by the Lockheed scandal. Recently, this Seiron-shin was held in response to the issue of slush funds at political fundraising parties by the Liberal Democratic Party factions.

Particularly noteworthy was the attendance of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. He was the first sitting Prime Minister to attend this review board. His attendance, a first for a current Prime Minister, garnered significant attention for its historic move.

In addition, Ryota Takeda, the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications from the Liberal Democratic Party’s Nikai faction, also attended. The attendance by the current Prime Minister and the former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications underscored the seriousness of the review board.

At this meeting, Prime Minister Kishida discussed measures to tackle issues related to money and politics by the Liberal Democratic Party factions, starting with the strengthening of the Political Funds Control Law. Then, the review meeting was held on the 29th and on March 1st, it was open to the public, allowing many people to see its content.

This is a significant step and demonstrates a commitment to addressing issues of money and politics. It is hoped that such actions will serve as a step towards fair and transparent politics.


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