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High-level wage increases in major companies during spring labor-management negotiations: Expectations for economic revitalization

Shunto or Spring Offensive refers to concentrated negotiations conducted mainly in the spring by labor unions in Japan to demand improvements in working conditions from companies. Wage increases and work style reform are among the topics discussed.

This year’s Spring Offensive saw the 13th as the concentrated reply day for many major companies, with some reaching agreements for high-level wage raises. Toyota and Nissan, two major auto manufacturers, were particularly in the spotlight. Both companies responded in full to the demands of the labor union side during the negotiations, revealing that they would implement wage increases surpassing last year’s levels.

In addition, movements demanding wage increases also spread in the electrical and steel industries. Following this, Kawasaki Heavy Industries also indicated its intention to fully respond to the labor union’s demand for a raise in base pay.

In the automobile sector, Honda and Mazda also decided on high-level wage increases, with momentum for wage increases increasing across the manufacturing industry. Nippon Steel also decided to implement a wage increase surpassing the level demanded by the labor union side.

These wage increase decisions by major companies are likely to impact the overall trends of the Japanese economy and potentially spread movements demanding wage increases to other industries. The results of the Spring Offensive are expected to contribute not only to improving the lives of workers but also to revitalizing the overall economy.


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