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Rekindling of the ‘Eiffel Sister’ Controversy: Representative Hirose’s Alleged Affair and Paris Inspection Issue Regains Attention

The scandal involving female legislator Megumi Hirose (57 years old) and her inspection trip to Paris, known as the Women’s Department Paris Inspection Scandal, is again making headlines. This incident is also known for spawning the buzzword Eiffel Sister. This phrase originated from the adulterous partner of Hirose, a saxophonist from Canada.

Subsequently, the weekly magazine Shincho captured and reported on Hirose’s affair, causing further public outrage. It was also revealed that Hirose’s adulterous partner was a Canadian saxophonist named Eiffel Sister.

However, Hirose herself denies these allegations. Despite this, her actions have been extensively reported by certain media outlets, provoking extensive public discussion.

Furthermore, businessman Hiroyuki Nishimura (47 years old), also known as Hiroyuki, also gave his comments on the scandal. He updated his X (former Twitter), sharing his thoughts.

He has clarified that Hirose’s sensationalized Paris inspection trip this summer and the report on her alleged affair on the 28th.

The backdrop to this scandalous situation involves Hirose causing the Women’s Department Paris Inspection Scandal while her personal life was riddled with numerous scandals including alleged affairs. Amidst this turmoil, the name Eiffel Sister has emerged, and the attention on Hirose’s personal life has heightened even further.


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