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Indonesian Presidential Election: Defense Minister Prabowo Takes the Lead, Attention on the Impact of Election Results on the Economy

The Indonesian presidential election is scheduled for a vote on the 14th, and the Minister of Defense, Mr. Prabowo, is leading according to pre-election opinion polls. He is virtually supported by the current President, Mr. Joko. Moreover, other candidates include Mr. Anis, a former governor of Jakarta special state, and former Central Java governor Ganjar, who was nominated by the largest ruling party, the Struggle Democratic Party.

This election is attracting much attention to the policy direction expressed by the candidates. In particular, as a leading candidate advocating for the continuation of the incumbent’s policy direction is running, there is also interest in the impact of the voting results on the market.

Candidates who cannot secure more than 50% of the votes will proceed to the final vote in June, but if the political uncertainty continues as a result, it will put pressure on the Indonesian currency, the Rupiah.

The election results are expected to be clear by the night of the 14th, and until then, the Indonesian people will be watching the election with hopes and worries about each candidate. It should also be noted that the president elected in this election will serve a term of five years.


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