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Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average Rises by 700 Points Temporarily, Approaching the Level of the 1989 Bubble Period – Possibility of Updating the Highest Level in History

On the 16th, Tokyo stock market showed favorable movements with the Nikkei Stock Average. Following the rise of U.S. stocks, buy orders increased and the Nikkei Stock Average temporarily rose by more than 700 yen. Specifically, it finished trading at 38,487.24 yen, up 329.30 yen (0.86%) from the previous day. The increase exceeded 700 yen at one point, approaching the highest closing price recorded at the end of December 1989.

Furthermore, at one point, the Nikkei Stock Average rose by more than 700 yen, recording a level in the 38,800 yen range. This is in view of the record set during the bubble period in 1989, and future developments are attracting attention.

In addition, looking at the price movements during trading hours, it temporarily showed a rise of more than 700 yen, reaching 38,865 yen. This renews the highest value during trading hours during the bubble period in January 1990, for the first time in 34 years and 1 month.

Moreover, the Nikkei average maintained its firmness in trading on the same morning. It finished trading at 38,505.89 yen, up 347.95 yen from the previous business day. Notably, increases in stocks with a large contribution to the index were prominent.

In light of such circumstances, the Nikkei Stock Average temporarily rose to the 38,800 yen level. It continued to renew the highest level after the bubble from the previous day. As the update of the record high is imminent, future developments are attracting even more attention.


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