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Resumption of Self-Defense Forces training immediately halted due to inappropriate behavior of some unit members – Questions raised about internal management system

After an incident in which three Self-Defense Force members were shot and injured or killed at the Ground Self-Defense Force Hino Basic Shooting Range (Gifu City), training had been temporarily suspended. However, when training resumed on the 6th, a new problem came to light.

It was revealed that some Self-Defense Force members made inappropriate gestures such as giving the middle finger to the press corps at the time of resuming the training. Initially, the Ground Self-Defense Force denied this fact, but later admitted the series of actions by the Self-Defense Forces members.

After this act came to light, the Ground Self-Defense Force once again suspended the just-resumed shooting training on the 7th. The Self-Defense Force member who made the inappropriate gesture explained that he had done it without much thought.

Defense Minister Kiwara also takes this issue seriously and acknowledges that there was an act of the Self-Defense Force members showing the middle finger to the press. He promises to take appropriate action against the members involved.

The fact that training was resumed immediately after the shooting incident at the shooting range and new trouble occurred at that time points to possible problems with the internal management system of the Self-Defense Force. In regards to this incident, the Self-Defense Force has expressed a need to carefully consider future responses.


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