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The plane Princess Kako boarded returned to Houston twice due to technical troubles: The official visit continues as planned.

Princess Kako, the second daughter of the Akishino couple, has departed for Peru in South America. She wore a sophisticated ‘pearl brooch’ at the time of departure, starting a long 10-day journey. However, the plane carrying Princess Kako returned to the airport in Houston, USA, due to a problem with the aircraft.

Princess Kako’s destination was Peru in South America, and the United Airlines aircraft that was her means of transport had a problem with the aircraft during the flight from Houston to Lima. As a result, prioritizing safety, the plane returned to Houston airport.

Regarding this matter, the Imperial Household Agency reported that the plane carrying Princess Kako returned after a malfunction was found in the aircraft during the flight. Furthermore, it was clarified that the aircraft carrying Princess Kako encountered the same trouble and returned to Houston again when it was going to Peru from Houston once again.

Due to the above situation, it has been reported that the aircraft carrying Princess Kako, the second daughter of the Akishino couple, turned back twice due to problems with the aircraft while heading from Houston, USA, to the capital Lima of Peru. However, it has been reported that she is safe, and arrangements are being made to proceed with Princess Kako’s official visit as planned.


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