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Hong Kong activist Agnes Chow announces de facto asylum in Canada – International community focuses on her future

Prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow (27), announced on 3rd December through her Instagram that she has effectively sought asylum in Canada. Ms. Chow had left for Canada in September of this year for studies, implying that she may not return to Hong Kong.

Ms. Chow had been imprisoned for approximately seven months for inciting an unauthorized assembly in Hong Kong and was released in June 2021. She was also a member of the pro-democracy political party, Demosisto, which was dismantled under the Hong Kong National Security Law implemented in 2020. Known as the ‘goddess of students’, Ms. Chow demonstrated her leadership during the 2014 Hong Kong pro-democracy movement, the ‘Umbrella Movement’, earning her the title ‘goddess of democracy’ and significant influence in Hong Kong.

In her first social media post in about two and a half years, Ms. Chow revealed that she is currently residing in Canada. The disclosure of this information has attracted worldwide attention to her future activities. It is speculated that her move to Canada is for her own safety, which could reignite discussions on the state of human rights and democracy in various countries and regions.


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