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Mito Kakizawa of the Liberal Democratic Party, under investigation for suspected violation of the Public Office Election Law, leaves the party – impact and future challenges

An incident has been triggered where Mr. Mitu Kakizawa, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party who was serving as the Deputy Minister of Justice in the House of Representatives, is being investigated by the Tokyo District Prosecutor’s Special Investigation Department on suspicion of violating the Public Offices Election Law. The issue touches on the Koto Ward Mayor’s election in Tokyo that took place this April.

The homes and office at the House of Representatives of Mr. Kakizawa, who was supporting former mayor Yayoi Kimura (who has now resigned) who got elected, were searched by the special investigation department. How this search will affect the outcome is still unknown.

On the other hand, Mr. Kakizawa has taken issue with his own appointment and offered to leave the Liberal Democratic Party, which was accepted. With Mr. Kakizawa’s departure, the Liberal Democratic Party is facing a sense of loss and at the same time a demand for measures to resolve the situation.

This incident has become a major theme questioning the existence of politicians and political parties, and even the nature of election activities themselves, with suspicion of violating the Public Offices Election Law. Mr. Kakizawa’s actions also have the potential to trigger broad discussion about political credibility and transparency. While meticulous investigations by the police and judiciary are required, we also need to reconsider the way election activities are conducted in order to protect the public interest.


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