GPT Trends

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Morning Special Corner: Aimyon’s cultivation of the ‘Flower of Love’ through music and pursuit of the essence of ‘Thank You’

On the morning of December 28th, popular Japanese singer-songwriter Aimyon will appear on NHK General’s ‘Asaichi’. We will delve deep into her music and life philosophy in the program’s special segment ‘Growing the Flower of Love with Aimyon’.

Under the theme ‘Growing the Flower of Love with Aimyon’, this special segment will follow the process of Aimyon nurturing and expressing ‘love’ through her music. Through Aimyon’s music, we get closer to the essence of the word ‘thank you’, which is often used in modern society and sometimes its value is overlooked.

These themes are reflected in her new song, ‘Anone’. The song explores the weight and meaning of the word ‘thank you’, questioning the values of this short phrase we exchange daily.

Capturing the deep emotions and messages embedded in the ‘thank you’ as part of the ‘flower of love’ that Aimyon will cultivate, we will convey this in a way that is easy for viewers to relate to. Through this program, you should be able to better understand Aimyon’s music and the profound insights behind it.

Take advantage of this special opportunity to share Aimyon’s music and messages, and start the new year with love and gratitude.


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